Baby Measuring a Week Behind at 8 Weeks

Baby measuring vi days backside at 8 calendar week browse.

(12 Posts)

mermaidsftw Mon 28-May-18 12:29:54

I had an early reassurance scan on Saturday after a small bleed a couple of days earlier.

I was supposed to be eight weeks blindside on according to my dates and when I ovulated (I know exactly which twenty-four hours i ovulated) she did an internal browse and found the baby with a stiff heartbeat but measuring in a 7+1 as opposed to eight weeks. I'grand trying not to panic but information technology seems like a lot to me at this phase. I was told the before the scans are, the more accurate to the day. At that place was a strong heartbeat which is a proficient sign only I've seen loads of threads where women have had a strong heartbeat and measured early on and still miscarried.

I'one thousand still having symptoms which I suppose is a good thing. They didn't seem worried at the hospital but they didn't tell me if they allowed a +/- amount of days for error.

Anyone else had this?

Emma198 Mon 28-May-eighteen 12:32:13

I heard the earlier it is, the more unreliable it is. I had:

A six calendar week browse which said I was at 5 weeks.
A 7 week browse which said I was 6w 6d.
A scan at 12+6 which put me at 13+iii.

Try non to worry. X

DuggeeHugs Mon 28-May-18 12:35:31

Although you know the twenty-four hour period you ovulated, afaik there is no fashion to know the solar day you actually conceived every bit sperm tin impregnate up to a week after sex activity. It is easy to say effort not to worry - we all know how hard T1 is for worry - but if the sonographer isn't concerned and the heartbeat is good then yous're as well placed as can be at this stage.

My early browse date was still out from my 12 calendar week scan date simply all was fine.

flumpybear Mon 28-May-18 12:35:54

I had a scan at 5+6 which they said was just 5+i and he is fine, 6 years one-time now and healthy 8lb 15oz at 39+6 when he was built-in

bessie84 Mon 28-May-18 12:37:59

couldnt read and run.... they grow and so unlike at the super early stage.

ive had four babies.

our last i (IVF and then we knew to the minute when she was concieved) we were scanned weekly from 6 weeks.... her scans showed manner behind, then fashion in front... its COMPLETELY normal.... theyre really inaccurate at the first. your next scan baby may be measuring different over again. COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY NORMAL.

Enjoy your pregnancy. & congratulations :-)

MonumentVal Mon 28-May-18 12:38:04

I had this, most the same gestation. Told DP that conspicuously his sperm had been faffing about for the best office of a week! Dd born about 10 days early from that scan calculation, spot on average weight.

RosieCotton Mon 28-May-18 12:39:43

I had an early scan at what should of been 7weeks. They said I was 5w. I went back a week later told I was 6w3d. They I had my 12 week nhs scan where I should of been 11w6day they moved my date to 13w1d. In at present 33w2d.

The earlier the scan the harder it is to engagement. A millimeter either way tin change dates by days. Xx

BabiesDontNeedDaddies Monday 28-May-18 12:48:21

They said all the way through my last trimester my baby wasn't growing, measuring dangerously small. He came out over 10 pounds. They get things wrong all the time. It's non a window in to your tummy. A adept heart beat is a much better indicator. Endeavor not to worry most it

mermaidsftw Mon 28-May-18 12:56:39

Wow!! Thank you all! Feeling very reassured. I don't think I'd take been so panicky of it was nether v days out.

I'k feeling very reassured at present.

Gemsie1984 Mon 28-May-18 fourteen:xx:19

I had an early scan at 7w 6d from LMP that dated me at 6w 4d.. went back 2 weeks subsequently expecting to be 8w 5d and was told I was 9w 1d...

mermaidsftw Monday 28-May-18 14:24:21

I'm guessing that they're very rarely bang on and in line with each other at each scan then?

I tin can't remember if my dates inverse after my early scan with DD. I know I wasn't concerned though.

jellycrumble Mon 28-May-xviii fourteen:41:02

Congratulations! I had some haemorrhage in early pregnancy (also had two previous MCs) so they scanned me at what I thought was 6 weeks, couldn't see a fetal pole or heartbeat and so was asked to return 2 weeks subsequently, I was expecting to be effectually 8 weeks - turns out I was only 6 weeks and a few days! I was gutted as I felt similar I was starting all once again but nosotros saw a heartbeat and I'm now 36 weeks tomorrow smile So information technology doesn't always mean bad news!

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